Best Therapy Without Insurance Coverage.

Because not all of us have insurance to help out.

Online-Therapy is a comprehensive platform that provides a variety of mental health services, leveraging the convenience of the internet to offer support to individuals seeking help. This review will delve into the features, benefits, and limitations of, providing Pros, Cons, and a Final Word. While the exact numbers and statistics are not available, the review aims to provide a detailed overview based on available information and general observations about the platform.

Hey Ritual

Hey Ritual has emerged as a significant player in the virtual couples therapy space, combining the flexibility of digital platforms with the personal touch of traditional therapy. Hey Ritual is our Top Recommended company for Couples Therapy.


Calmerry is an online therapy platform designed to connect individuals with licensed therapists for remote counseling sessions. As online therapy becomes increasingly popular, platforms like Calmerry offer convenient alternatives to traditional in-person therapy. In this review, we explore various aspects of Calmerry, highlighting its pros and cons, and conclude with a final word on its overall service quality and value. Coupon – Get 20% off your first therapy session. Visit Calmerry and use code CARE20


BetterHelp is a leading online platform that provides mental health counseling. It has garnered attention for its extensive network of therapists and flexible communication methods. In this comprehensive review, we explore various aspects of BetterHelp, focusing on the pros and cons, and concluding with a final word on its service quality and overall value.

Enhances access to specialists. Provides access to expertise in niche areas; professionals that may not be available locally.

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We use a combination of consumer reviews and overall scores from multiple online platforms such as Forbes, Trustpilot, Google, Indeed, Glassdoor, and others to form an overall composite score that shows how well a company not only treats its customers but how they treat their employees as well. Our multiplatform composite score prevents companies from gaming one review-generating platform or another for good scores. We believe this method provides the best overall social proofing.

Communication Options. You can choose how you want to connect—video calls, voice calls, or messaging.