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Ritual or has emerged as a significant player in the virtual couples therapy space, combining the flexibility of digital platforms with the personal touch of traditional therapy. Read about their pros and cons below.


  1. Diverse Plans and Pricing. Ritual offers several subscription options to cater to different needs, including individual and couples therapy sessions. Prices start as low as $25 per week, which is quite a bit lower than most online therapy companies, offering flexibility and choice for users.
  1. Comprehensive Approach. The platform integrates therapy sessions with digital content like quizzes, video lessons, and journaling, to provide a holistic approach to improving relationships.
  1. Expert Guidance. Trained therapists, including psychologists and licensed professional counselors, use clinically-backed methods to support users and offer a high standard of care.
  1. Innovative Features. The platform’s features, such as video sessions and personalized “pathways,” enhance the therapy experience, making it engaging and tailored to individual needs.
  1. Accessibility. The app’s design focuses on user-friendliness and can be accessed via smartphone or tablet, making it convenient for users to engage with their therapy sessions and digital content.
  2. Individual plans. Traditional therapy and other online solutions require partner participation but with Ritual you can sign up as an individual and add your partner later.


  1. Limited Session Duration. Some users may find the 20 – 40 minute sessions shorter than expected. Shorter sessions may potentially affect the depth of the therapy sessions. According to a Ritual rep we spoke with, they find the shorter sessions to be more efficient and just as effective as a traditional hour since it is supplemented with the extended digital learning and exercises.
  1. Insurance Coverage. Ritual does not currently accept insurance, which may limit accessibility for some individuals. However you can use HSA and FSA claims.

Final Word

Ritual represents a modern take on couples therapy, offering convenience and flexibility through its digital platform without sacrificing the quality of care. Its approach, which combines personal therapy sessions with a rich array of digital content, is designed to cater to the evolving needs of couples seeking to improve their relationships. While the service’s innovative features and accessibility are significant advantages, the lack of insurance coverage and the brief duration of some sessions may be drawbacks for certain users. Nevertheless, for those seeking a digital-first approach to relationship counseling that is both flexible and comprehensive, Ritual presents a compelling option.

This platform’s commitment to breaking down barriers to traditional couples therapy, such as scheduling difficulties and high costs, and leveraging technology to enhance user experience, underscores its potential to significantly impact the domain of relationship counseling. Whether you’re navigating minor issues or seeking to strengthen your partnership, Ritual offers a structured yet flexible path toward achieving relationship goals.

Considering its range of options and its innovative integration of technology and therapy, Ritual is worth exploring for couples and individuals aiming to enhance their relationship dynamics in the digital age.

Enhances access to specialists. Provides access to expertise in niche areas; professionals that may not be available locally.

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